Forgiveness is a topic many people debate over. Whether forgiveness should be given or not. It can be hard to forgive a person especially when they have done something big. Although, according to the Bible, theĀ forgiveness of sinĀ is a gift given to us freely by God.

God is both just and merciful. With his sacrificial action, we all became free from guilt and sin. God treats all people whether guilty or innocent just as fairly. When we sin, we can ask for forgiveness by praying to God.

We are all sinners, and we were all saved by God. No matter how big or small our sin is, it is never too late to ask for forgiveness. To have a fresh start, and live by the word of God. We should all learn to forgive others, the way we were forgiven. Forget about the wrongs and focus on living an honest and humble life.

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