The “Water of Life” is mentioned in the Holy Bible 722 times. It’s one of many very important references in the Bible. The meaning of the water of life is ” something that gives spiritual refreshment or eternal life” per Merriam-Webster. The water of life is the Holy Spirit.

The New Testament uses water as a symbol of the Holy Spirit. When water is poured out to Jesus’s followers, it means the Holy Spirit fills the followers with the Holy Spirit which makes them complete. Water is a vital part of baptism. Saying the words, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit while pouring water on the believer’s head 3 times and makes the ceremony complete.

Water is used in baptism as purity and a new beginning, and a welcome into God’s kingdom when you believe and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.

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